Congratulations to our 2020 Winners
We are proud to recognise the amazing individuals, groups and businesses from across the District in this year’s Mid Sussex Applauds Awards.
Below are details of our winners and their stories.
Young Achiever Award
Against all the odds, someone who has overcome significant obstacles and made a positive difference to their own lives or to other young people through education, campaigning or helping another overcome a difficult situation or personal problem
Joint Winners
Zac Lammas and Kieran Thompson
Zac’s fortitude and spirit has been paramount in his recovery following a catastrophic injury in 2018. ‘He inspires everyone he meets with his cheerful attitude, good humour, and positivity. He is a true inspiration to all, achieving so much in the relatively short period since his injury.’During lockdown Kieran was self-isolating but on his daily walk he decided to spread some cheer by dressing as Spider-Man. This took him all over Burgess Hill and he also started raising money for the NHS and has managed to raise over £2500 so far. ‘This young man is a real-life superhero!’r of staff.
Joanne Clayton
Joanne operates a Terracycle drop off point from her home in Haywards Heath on a voluntary basis. ‘Although she has not kept a record of the amount of waste this scheme has saved from landfill to date, Joanne believes it to be hundreds of kilos!’Category
Young Volunteer of the Year
Recognising those young people who have made a difference in their local community.

Thomas Martin
When the local church realised that online communication was going to be vital during lockdown, they knew they needed help, and Thomas willingly stepped up. “He has been the hub around which many people connect and deserves recognition for being so essential to the community - not just the church, but the rest of the village too.”Highly Commended – Connor Murphy
Commended – Charlotte Curran, Lara Holti Wickens, Rebecca Mummery, Leo Rimmer, Ellah Sasson, Kieran Thompson.
Lifetime Achievement Award
An individual who has made a substantial commitment to the community in their lifetime.
Jackie Cooper
As Chairperson of Burgess Hill Youth Club Jackie runs youth club sessions, looking after the building, the volunteer staff and the young people. She helps organise the Young Carer's Program in Mid Sussex and helps the preparation and delivery of food parcels each Christmas in the area, and more recently food parcels in connection with the Covid-19 pandemic. She is also a Trustee of the Harambee Boys Centre in Kenya which is a place for homeless boys aged 5 to 19 years.In January 2020 she received the British Citizen Award for being an Independent Custody Visitor for over 25 years, she is Treasurer of the Dolphin Ladies swimming club and lastly, the Trustee in charge of Safeguarding for Sussex Clubs for Young People.
“Jackie has a whole town of kids that love and respect her and she’s a wonderful hard working, helpful and knowledgeable lady.”
Highly Commended – Peter Heasman
Commended – Tony Bristow, Jane Green, Carol Jefferies, Mike Livesey, Beverly Newman, Dave Parsons.
Stronger Together
For an individual who has helped to bring together cultures and communities through a local project or community activity.
Sarah Collyer
Sarah was nominated for the “brilliant job as part of the East Grinstead Action Group team” in addition to the many other community groups she is involved in.Highly Commended – Jane Cheshire (Sayers Common) and Anne Stone (East Grinstead).
Commended - Andi Frost, Jane Green, Kathryn Hibbert-Little, Vicky Jones, Barbara King, Graham Meeres and Jahan Tarana.
Good Sport Award
A club or individual who has made an outstanding contribution to supporting activity or sport in Mid Sussex.

Tony Bristow
Tony Bristow was nominated in recognition of his outstanding contribution to Southdown Football Club where until his recent retirement was involved for over 25 years. “We are extremely grateful for the tireless time and effort he has put into making Southdown FC the inclusive, friendly local club it is today.”Highly Commended – Robert Ruff (posthumous)
Robert (Bob) Ruff “helped many athletes, both juniors and seniors, to reach their full potential.” Sadly, he died in August 2020, but Haywards Heath Harriers wanted to recognise his 20+ year commitment with this nomination.
Commended – Sue Best, Mid Sussex Active.
Business in the Community Award
Recognising a business which supports or makes a positive contribution to benefit and enhance community life.
Tarana, Turners Hill
The Tarana Restaurant in Turners Hill owned by Jahan received lots of nominations for their amazing support during the Covid pandemic. “He has given hours on a voluntary basis cooking and delivering Indian meals during the Covid-19 pandemic. He doesn’t ask for anything in return and has been delivering to local hospitals, care home, doctors’ surgeries, schools and a whole lot more”.Highly Commended - ABCOM (Yan Davies), Victory Inn Staplefield.
Commended - Anthony Hole + Sons Bicycle Shop, Ariel Company Theatre, Central Stores (Turners Hill), Mid Sussex Wood Recycling Project, Mobile Commercials Ltd, Mug Tree Tea Room, Paul’s Greengrocer (Lindfield), Sayers Common Community Village Shop, Silvas Coffee Shop, Village Shop (Horsted Keynes).
Stronger Communities
A community group or organisation that has helped to bring together cultures and communities through a local project or community activity.
Joint Winners
Haywards Heath Covid-19 Mutual Aid Group, Horsted Helpers, Hurstpierpoint Covid-19 Neighbours Support Group.
Haywards Heath Covid-19 Mutual Aid Group (HHMA) was set up in early March 2020 prior to lock down. At its peak it had more than 650 volunteers registered. Since the group started taking requests in March, they have helped over 1000 households, through a designated phone line, with shopping, click and collect pick-ups, picking up prescriptions and so many other small jobs that their vulnerable or self-isolating neighbours were unable to do themselves.HHMA also supported the Town Mayor’s ‘Leave No One Behind’ campaign in Haywards Heath, to help the community in what were and still are unprecedented times. Together with Haywards Heath Town Council and Age UK West Sussex Brighton and Hove, HHMA launched and helped administer the Haywards Heath Emergency Food Hub. The HHMA collected food, organised storage, took referrals with the Town Council, made up food parcels and delivered them. At all times the management team, all volunteers, of Jo Lee, Amie Cherverst and Redwan Chowdhury along with Jo Roberts who led on the Foodbank worked tirelessly to deliver this service to the needy and vulnerable of Haywards Heath.
Within a week of setting up the Horsted Helpers Facebook group in March over 90 villagers had signed up to help. Horsted Helpers formed 4 area delivery groups for food and supplies; an emotional support group; a key worker baking group; and a pharmacy group. During lockdown over 200 deliveries of shopping and medication were made in addition to the many existing support arrangements of villagers already supporting vulnerable neighbours. They also carried out phone, window and garden chats to help keep spirits up of those shielding; personal possessions taken to people in hospital; food bank collections set up; calls made to reassure relatives unable to visit elderly parishioners; snacks and supplies collected for staff at the Princess Royal Hospital; craft kits delivered to shielding families; weekly cakes whipped up for the crew at the local Residential Care Home and a virtual quiz set up to replace the fortnightly pub social event (over £1300 has been raised for charity through it!).
The Hurstpierpoint Covid-19 Neighbours support group was formed in March at the start of the pandemic. The local initiative was set up to bring together Hurst residents to help and support their neighbours who were vulnerable or self-isolating during the COVID-19 outbreak.
Volunteers distributed fliers across the village with their contact details, and posters were displayed in all public areas in the village. They ensured that every street was being covered and looked after. Volunteers offered to collect shopping and prescriptions, walk dogs, post mail or be available for a friendly chat over the phone. In total there were 32 road group representatives involved in the day to day running supported by 100 wonderful volunteers.
Highly commended – Craig Davis
Commended -, Escape Youth Club, Mid Sussex Voluntary Action, Sayers Common Community Shop, Sussex EDS and Hypermobility, Together in Sussex, With you in Mind (Sussex Oakleaf, Clarion Futures and Avetrade).
Peer Nominated Award
In this category each nominee is given the chance to vote for their favourite in any of the categories.